Last week at our packing party, we had a little team celebration, complete with cookie cake (homemade, obviously) and watermelon. Early on in our adventures as a team, we decided our mission in going to Jamaica was to see Jesus in Jamaicans. That motive has driven our team of 20 to put our all into our physical, mental, and spiritual training. It's hard to beli
eve that its already the end of June; our time growing together as a team has gone so quickly and been so sweet. These students and adults have been a major blessing in my life, especially through my own physical hurdles. I know they are so ready for what God has in store for us. The Lord is so faithful in equipping us and giving us exactly what we need when we need it.
Tomorrow's our big day. I think I'm all packed
now...finally! As the time gap before our departure continues to wane, my heart is heavy with the weight of the work we are about to do. I wanted to share with you a few specific requests for our team. We covet your prayers and fully recognize that God's work is possible only with God's power!
Things to pray for:
1) Opportunities. Pray for doors to be opened and for boldness in us, that we may be good stewards of the opportunities the Lord sends o
ur way. Pray that God would be preparing the hearts of those we'll come in contact with, that they would be eager to share and open to truth.
2) Health. Pray for physical health and safety. We will be traveling quite a bit and much of the labor that we do will be physically intensive. Please pray for protection for our bodies.
3) Attitude. Pray for our attitudes to be the same as that of Christ: submissive and obedient. Especially with working closely on little sleep and with people we are so comfortable with, please pray for our hearts and minds to be so focused on and enveloped in Christ that everything we do and say reflects His love.
Thank you SO much for your prayers! You are a blessing! If you're interested in what we'll be doing in Jamaica, check out Won By One to Jamaica's website to keep up with our team!
I can't adequately explain my excitement in getting to spend time serving others in Jamaica this next week. There have definitely been significant hurdles throughout the preparation process, which leads me to believe that God's got something big to do in and through us. Seriously, I'm on the edge of my seat. I can't wait to fill you all in when we return!
I'll be praying for you this week, that you would have opportunities to share and encounter truth. You are loved and appreciated!
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