I wish I were here..
Peace has been desperately lacking in my life lately (for lots of reasons), and I'm so not okay with it. Things have been so busy that I literally have next to no downtime. This can be devastating for someone of the introverted persuasion such as myself. I need downtime to recharge and restore, but I also need downtime to seek. There hasn't been enough time lately for a relentless pursuit of Jesus. More like, I haven't made the time lately. I'm so not good at setting boundaries to guard my time and then I tend to get frustrated and resentful relatively easily when others around me set boundaries for themselves. (Note to self: work on this!)
Anyway, I understand that the only way to find peace is through the Prince of Peace. So my quest then, becomes not for rest and relaxation, but for the Giver of r & r. Bottom line: I need me some uninterrupted uncensored Jesus time. NOW.
I was thinking the same thing this morning. I need more inner peace and need more quiet time in the Word. I hope you had some uninterrupted time today!