A little or a lot of crazy? Hmm... ;)
So Wednesdays are always lots of fun. And "lots of fun" can encompass a variety of true emotions. Energetic. Exciting. Stressful. Yesterday was super productive for me. I worked secluded and silent for the first 6 hours of the day. And then things started to get a little crazy. It's always so strange to me how a perfectly smooth, calm day can change-literally-in an instant. There wasn't really one particular thing that made for a crazy couple of hours, it was more like a coupling of several unplanned occurrences and a little self-induced pressure as I "held down the fort" while the guys are gone in Houston. The crazy calmed down eventually, actually about as quickly as it stirred up.
Despite the couple challenges that popped up, the evening went smoothly and we enjoyed some really solid worship as a group. God is so good. Sometimes recovering from the stress of a quick storm is more difficult for me than actually enduring the storm itself. (Sometimes I can be tad dramatic. Surprised? Ha.) Last night though, only by the grace of God, I recovered quickly and got to thoroughly enjoy my time with the students. An old friend and talented musician, Sean Lea, led worship for us and then we talked about Scripture memory and spent time actually memorizing the Word together.
Psalm 119:11 "I have stored up your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You."
After service we loaded a shuttle and enjoyed a beautiful summer evening at the park. I so appreciated a leisurely swing and a lovely chat or two as we spectators watched a game of ultimate frisbee. Beware: a spectator I will not be for much longer. It took all I had to hold myself back from participating in [a modified form of] the game. I'm so ready for this cast to be off!
All things considered, the little bits of crazy are totally worth the tension and stress they often bring. I'm grateful that God continues to work in and through those times; Lord knows I need that continual refining!
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