Friday, June 18, 2010

on love: an outstanding conclusion of sorts.

Love cannot be earned.
It simply cannot be so.
It is not a right, a duty, or a responsibility.
It is not a game, a prize, an accolade, approval, or even acknowledgment.

Love is a gift.

It is unwarranted and incomprehensible.
It doesn't make sense, fit into a box, or rhyme a certain way.
It's not convenient or pretty.
Love isn't easily defined or even remotely measurable.

Love is a free gift.


And it is completely unending.
It knows no boundaries or landscapes.
No mountain can surpass it;
no valley can contain it.
It is a constant, steady stream, a mighty flow.
Love cannot be reversed or filtered.

Love is a gift.

There are no apologies for love;
no expectations and certainly no exceptions.

It is inerrant and inescapable;
unrelenting and unreserved.

Love is a gift.

Love never fails.
God is love.