Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 25

Oh how I loathe unpacking...look at that neat, tidy suitcase!
Honestly, I am humbly impressed with my packing skills this trip:
3 pairs of jeans, 2 pairs of shorts, 2 dresses, 4 tops, 4 pairs of shoes, and several toiletries/necessities...And I carried on.

Boo-yah. ;)

all things orange

This week, our Discipleship team had the great opportunity to attend the Orange conference in Atlanta. I am a learner through and through and so openly embrace the exposure to new ideas and all of the wisdom that drips from the mouths of the leaders at such events. I've only experienced a handful of conferences, and Orange was by far the largest. Nearly five thousand leaders gathered to worship, network, and pursue this concept of Orange. So what is Orange? The basic concept of Orange revolves around the fusion of the church and the family. There are many details and strategies of moving to Orange, but that is what I'll share for now. (My brain is still reeling from overwhelming amount of information as well as severe amounts of sensory overload. I may be highly and enjoyably social, but this introvert desperately needs some cucooning to recover and process.) If you're interested in learning more about Orange, you should definitely check out their website. I'm sure I'll leak details in coming posts, but for today, I'll leave you with a few snapshots from the week. Enjoy!

Filling up Gwinett Center before opening session at Orange

The guys with their Orange bags, made from recycled banners

Southern belle and a wanna-be :)

Closing session at Orange

Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 24: my view of orange

Oh the boot... :)

Day 23: reunited and it feels so good!

I got to see my dear friend Brooke yesterday! Oh how I've missed her... :)

Day 22: Rosemary Lemon Chicken

We ate at Jerry Carino's for dinner as a team.

I ordered Rosemary Lemon Chicken. Can we say, "Yum?!"

Catch up...hold the mustard

Hello, lovely blogger friends!

I've got some catching up to do, I'm well aware. And I have every intention if doing so...tomorrow. I've been enjoying some much needed, although unplanned, time away from readily available Internet access. It's been refreshing and frustrating simultaneously. However, I should be back into my routine tomorrow, which I am so eagerly anticipating. I will gladly elaborate on the past few days' happenings at that time; I'm just too tired to process coherently now. So, I'll spare you the unorganized thoughts and leave you with a word of encouragement that was drilled into our thick ministry-focused skulls this week...

What you are doing matters.

Did you know that? YOU matter. And your endeavors matter. Even if you don't see results instantly, what you're doing still matters. What you do today will matter tomorrow. Rest assured.

Peace out until more coherency is readily available.

Rest well, fellow bloggers.

Sent from my iPad

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 21: a mid-week pick-me-up

I got new shoes tonight! Yay yay yay! My bestie Rachel is getting married in July and these are the chic heels she selected for her bridesmaids. I absolutely L-O-V-E them.
Don't be fooled: they aren't gold, rather a sleek, subtle ivory. So classy.

One of these things is not like the other... Sigh.

Thank you, Lord, for giving me legs, feet, and toes that all work...painfully or not! :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 20: serious about cereal

Unashamedly, I admit my weakness for carbs, particularly of the cereal persuasion. Seriously, it's not uncommon to find a dozen boxes/bags in my cabinet. But, honestly, why do there have to be so many choices?! A solid 5 minutes of my life was spent in this aisle today, thus earning it a spot as Day 20's photo.

Simply look at this snipbit of the cereal aisle and tell me you do not wish you'd invented the concept of cereal...that's what I thought.

Mr. Cereal, presuming that's your name because where else would we come up with the word, we thank and envy you!


Seriously, in the last week, I've had to enforce more attitude adjustments on myself than perhaps any other time in my life. This whole boot thing has really thrown a wrench in MY plans. Notice the emphasis on MY. Ha. So often I get consumed with the "It's all about me" mentality. Ugh, it's so aggravating to me how easily I get tripped up sometimes (pun fully intended). I've decided once and for all, to have a positive attitude about this whole foot injury situation. I know it's not about me or about my plans. I know that God has a greater plan and that He is in control. It's not cliche; it's truth.

So as an ultimate attitude adjustment on the matter, I've opted to make a list of the reasons I'm grateful for my boot and this season, the "Boot Benefits," if you will. Here's my Top 10 so far...

1. Individuality. It's quite the fashion trend, really. No one else has got it!

2. Patience. I move slower. Enough said.

3. Perseverance. I'm ready to be better, but I'm not. Thus, I keep pressing on.

4. Dependence. So I'm pretty independent and not always (hardly EVER, in fact) good at asking for help. Right now, I'm rediscovering what dependence and reliance on others actually means. And I'm learning to trust people again in ways that I really haven't for quite some time. The body of Christ really is a neat invention.

5. Self-defense. It's a nasty ol' thing that I'd hate to cross paths with.

6. Rest. I can't do everything I'm used to doing, so I'm forced to pursue more rest.

7. Humor. Seriously, the boot's good for some laughs. I've heard some pretty good nicknames and had some pretty solid stories offered to me.

8. Gratitude. Things could be so much worse. God is so good.

9. Conversation. Much like a pregnant belly attracts unwanted hands, my boot has attracted many an unwanted question which in turn has lead to several solid conversations with people I wouldn't normally encounter.

10. Humility. So the whole "I-can-do-it-all-by-myself-and-no,-I-don't-need-you-to-even-offer-to-help" attitude of pride doesn't fit the boot. Nope, not at all.

So there's my list so far. Whatcha think? Got any others to add to my list? Bring 'em on! :)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 19: A day to celebrate!

What a day it's been! Seriously, is there a better reason to gather together and celebrate than the victory of Christ over death? (The answer is "No," just FYI.)

Of course, true to our Baptist roots, after church Mom hosted a full Easter feast, which we all thoroughly enjoyed. And, we couldn't leave out the semi-annual family photo shoot. For your viewing pleasure...

My good friend, Kari, and me at church

The Stone women

The fam

Sissy and the boot. :)

What are sister pics without a little sass?! ;)

Hope you've enjoyed your Easter!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 17

Meet Selene and Leo, my parents' dogs.
They were so cute that I couldn't help but snap their picture tonight at dinner.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 16

Well, it's Thursday. Honestly, I wasn't sure it would ever get here. Praise the Lord, tomorrow is Friday! What a week it's been.

Truth: I've been struggling a lot lately, with different things, but most recently, with my current foot situation. Since my doctor's appointment last Wednesday, my has been bitter and my attitude has reflected it immensely. I know my injury is only temporary and not long-term life-altering (I'm claiming that!), but it's definitely turned my world upside down.

Here's the situation (in case you wanted the details)...
So I've been having some pretty major foot pain for the last month or so. I kept running on it, just thinking I need to push through and not let the enemy get me down. Typically, I experience moderate amounts of foot pain during high-impact activities anyway, so I didn't think too much of it. However, over the course of a few weeks, the pain increased the more my physical activity increased, until, finally, I began experiencing intense pain even at rest. With some rather relentless coaching from my parents, I finally made an appointment with my doctor. To make a long story shorter, I'll summarize: exam, concerned doctor, x-ray, inconclusive x-ray results, appointment with a specialist, majorly large walking boot, no physical activity, and no driving until the boot is gone. All that to say...

God's been working on me a lot in the last week. I would say He's had His hands full, but that would be completely undermining His power and authority. I wish I could say I've handled my little inconveniences with grace and faith, but that's not been the case up to this point. My heart's been hard and my attitude, pretty crummy. The conversations I've had with the Lord were pretty short and rather volatile. In short, I haven't been shy in expressing my frustration.

But tonight, something changed. We hosted a church-wide prayer gathering tonight and it messed me up. Serious amounts of necessary cleansing occurred, completely thanks to only the Holy Spirit. I don't understand why my foot is injured, why God allowed it to happen right now, in the midst of everything else going on, nor do I understand even exactly what's wrong with my foot. But I do KNOW this: His grace is sufficient for me. In my weakness, He is strong. Therefore, as Paul says, I will boast all the more in my infirmities, for it is then that He is glorified in me.

Oh how I wish words or pictures could describe what God did tonight in my heart and in the hearts of those at the prayer gathering. But neither words nor pictures could come close to doing His work justice.

I know this is a rambly post; my apologies. My heart is just so full and my spirit so free that I needed some way to express it.

I guess, to wrap it up, God is still on His throne. And He is bigger... Fill in the blank to finish the comparison however you like. He is bigger than ANYthing else. I'm trusting Him in that.

What do you need to trust God in now? What are you considering bigger than God?

My pic for today...
I enjoyed being the team "gimp" at our Jamaica group workout on Sunday. I know it isn't the most flattering pic, but the brace is sure shining at center stage. :)

I may not be able to lead our team physically right now, but He can. Praise the Lord!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 15

On Wednesday afternoons, Emilee comes and volunteers in the office. She's pretty much fabulous. I'm not sure what I'd do without her humor to break my crunchtime tension sometimes.

Feelin'...froggy? :)

We tend to have a good time in the office. I think that's the way it should be.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 14: Road Trip Finds!

So today we took a little road trip...and by "we," I mean my boss, my co-associate and me. We did a little pre-CAMP scouting and scheming, and really had a good time in the process. On our way back to town, we had a few stops to make, one of which included an ever-classy pawn shop. The picture below was taken there. I think it speaks for itself.
I should note: another row of "Titanics" waits for the lime light just behind these show stoppers.

"Titanic" overboard?
....I mean overload... ;)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 13: A Disheartening Discovery

Today, I discovered just how badly my "junk" drawer at work needs attention.
Can we say food junkie?! Yikes. You'd think it was a junk food apocalypse...I mean, there are LAYERS!

(Am I supposed to be proud or sheepish about this fact? I'm torn...)

Coming soon to a post near you: foot explanation and picture, along with Passover Feast reflection and the indo board after party pics. Stay tuned!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 12

Is this not the cutest bridal shower decor? Loved it!

Today was....quite a day. Church [small group prep, band practice, small groups, 10:31 service, clean up]. Home for an hour [lunch, ice the foot, rest the brain]. Wedding Shower. Church [Jamaica prep, band practice, Jamaica running, Jamaica workout]. Home.

Seriously, Sunday is my favorite day of the week...but today, I am slightly more than tired. Truthfully, I think I overdid it in the group workout tonight. I was doing lunges on one leg (since my other one is otherwise detained...I'll explain shortly), trying to be as much of the team as I could, until my hamstrings froze so tight my body may as well have been Antarctica. Needless to say, I dropped. And I'm pretty sure everyone noticed. No. Shame.

I think the Lord really has something to teach me in this whole foot situation. I'm finally working through my "fit" and allowing Him to work on my heart in His way.

Like I said, I'll explain about the foot, but not tonight. Tonight, tired doesn't even begin to touch it. It's 9:22 and I am officially done for today. Hopefully my head hits the pillow prior to my eyelids closing...

Did you have a restful weekend? May you greet your Monday morning with a smile!
I know I'm a dreamer, but I'm praying this for myself. :)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 11: A Saturday Smoothie

So this might be semi-lame, and I'm okay with that, but today I made my first ever homemade smoothie. It might have been the best smoothie I've ever had too! So yummy! I picked out some strawberries from a bag of frozen mixed berries, added a couple spoonfuls of vanilla Activia, a squeeze or two of honey, a spoonful of crunchy Jif, 2 tablespoons of some protein powder, and blended for a minute or so. It turned out a little thick so I added just a smidge of Rice Milk (my fave) and then stirred in my glass. Seriously, this was so so good and super filling too!

It's been a stay-home Saturday, but my day has been super full with odds and ends that I needed to finish up. Now, however, it's time for a little crash on the couch. Oh how I love Saturday afternoons... :)

Here's to a relaxing Saturday evening for you!

Day 10: Dinner & a Movie

I love hanging out with rbcstudents; it's always an adventure!
Ashlyn, Quinn, and me--ready to see Soul Surfer!

So ready for prom...haha.
Grant's got one lucky prom date/gf. :)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 9

Little man's look totally describes my week in a word: "Really?!"
Is he not too cute for words? Sheesh. Heart-breaker for sure!

I enjoyed a lovely dinner with 2 fabulous companions tonight.

I'm so thankful it's officially my weekend. I'm pretty tired and so looking forward to a day mostly off of my feet tomorrow. I've got some reading and writing to do during the day tomorrow and I couldn't be more excited. Then tomorrow night it's off to Dinner & a Movie with the ever-entertaining rbcstudents. Oh, how I love them. :) I love these kinds of events too because they generally allow for quite a bit of socialization with the students. Also, they're low maintenance and give us staffers the luxury of simply enjoying some time with our crew.

What about you? Got any fun Friday plans in store?

Stay tuned for tomorrow's photo. It's bound to include something students... :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 8

I don't know about you, but it was definitely a Starbuck's-kind-of-day for me.

Enough said.

yesterday...a surprise ending

Some friends of mine-who just happened to have a baby last week!-called yesterday afternoon to say they were in Springfield for some afternoon shopping and wanted to stop by work if I wasn't too busy. Me, too busy?! No way...not for good friends OR a newborn. :) Needless to say, I was delighted by their visit; partially because I love them and they're dear friends, and partially because I love babies and wanted so badly to meet their wee one.

Naturally, I snapped a pic or two before they left.

Meet Sophie.

Isn't she beautiful? Payton and Dale are such cute parents. I know they're wonderful already.

So, there's my surprise ending to an otherwise "normal" Tuesday! I couldn't have planned it more perfectly!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 7: news flash!

Such a sweet surprise during my mid-afternoon chocolate fix.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 6

...And this is what we call "applying to grad school." Let the fun begin!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 5: What's your cup?

My Sunday mid-afternoon agenda...the calm before the storm :)

I caught only part of this morning's sermon.

My take-away:
Jesus took the cup of punishment intended for me, and ever so graciously offers His replacement cup of life, love, and hope in Him.

From which cup are you drinking?
Choose life, friends.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 5: Weekend D.I.Y.

The beautiful before...Ha!
(Note: the sticker on the bottom of this chair dates it back to 1948,
which explains the style!)

Just a little paint makes such a big difference!

Supplies for covering the original cushion

After: The finished product!

The best part about this project: I purchased NOTHING.
I don't remember where I got the chair (yard sale, thrift store, or inherited), but I've had it for several years. The fabric was leftover from throw pillows I made 2 years ago. The paint was also leftover from a project a year ago.

I just love DIY upgrades.
Is there anything more empowering than setting your mind to something, following through, and then having a tangible finished product?

I'm pleased. :)

How'd you spend your Saturday? Any other DIY diehards out there?

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 4

Just a few supplies for a few weekend projects...

Day 3

I LOVE browsing around home improvement stores. I love the creative inspiration and empowerment of designing and executing a project...ALL ON MY OWN!

And since I'm being honest, the cute sales clerks don't hurt either. ;)

Inspirations for a weekend project:
paint samples a plenty and a trendy wallpaper book.

Stay tuned for details (and pics!) on the aforementioned affair.

Aside: Yes, this post is a day late. The pic is from day 3, but my internet would not cooperate for the life of me last night. Ugh. Oh well; better late than never!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 1 & Day 2

Since I'm making this up as I go, I'm giving myself permission to post two pics at once, one for day 1 (yesterday) and one for day 2 (today). I actually decided yesterday that I wanted to begin this new project, but forgot to blog about it when I got home last night. (Boo.) I may have to consider a tattoo on my forehead, just to remind me to a) snap a photo and b) blog about it. (Just kidding about the tat, no worries.)

~Day 1~
Dirty feet after our "A Day Without Shoes" prayer walk around downtown.
Romans 10:15
"How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!"

~Day 2~
My sweet friend, Nicole, and me at Bible study on Tuesday night.
I'm so thankful for great friends.

Okay, just so I don't feel like I'm cheating and not telling you, both of these pics are from yesterday. I actually didn't even take a pic today! (Really crummy start to my new project, right? Sigh. Tomorrow will be different.) I did get to eat lunch with a fabulous friend today though, and I've been reminded how blessed I am by the solid people the Lord has placed in my life. So, the above pic with Nicole accurately exemplifies that sentiment.

I'm super excited to start this new project. I hope you're excited to read about it! Thanks for tuning in and putting up with my endless antics. :)

Have a peaceful evening.

a new project...

I think I was born with an inherent need to constantly carry around a project. Whether it be in my mind, in my purse, or in my pocket, it seems there's always something brewing. Aye, the curse of a doer, I suppose!

My latest whim is this: take a picture each day for a year, documenting some moment of that day, and share it on my blog. Maybe I write a post alongside the photo, or maybe I just share the photo. Either way, I think it'd be fascinating to look back in a year and reminisce about all the sights along the way.

Now, I realize that my blogging consistency hasn't really been very, well, consistent. So I know that committing to taking a picture a day may be a giant leap for me. But I'm thinking it may just be the extra "oomph" I need to get my blogging consistently. (Not as an obligation or rule, but honestly because I actually enjoy blogging and writing as an outlet....and most of my outlets/hobbies seem to be lacking some major TLC lately.)

Ok, now you're informed. And I'm committed. So, without further ado, I will tie off this little ditty and commence my first days' photo posting.

Stay tuned for regular photo updates. :)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Of All Else

So there's this song that we've sung a lot this weekend at DNOW. It's called "Forever Reign" and I so appreciate it. It resonates within me, hardcore. Typically, I tend to gravitate toward the idea of only Christ being good and the acknowledgement that there truly is nothing good in me. However, this weekend, the phrase "of all else I'm letting go" struck me in a way I apparently needed striking.

Inevitably when God has something big planned, the enemy attempts to distract and devour. Thankfully, God is so much bigger than anything anyone could ever imagine or scheme. (Whew!) However, this weekend was no exception. God's been preparing our students for a long time for this weekend, and I know He's been moving. (He's always so faithful like that.) With some unexpected and hard-to-swallow family news I received Friday morning, my heart and my brain entered a teeter-totter state of overwhelmed vs. trusting. This is where the song really hit. I know that as long as I'm holding on to something-or anything, for that matter-that Jesus doesn't have all of me. As I silently voiced my prayers of surrender in regards to my family situation, the Lord immediately brought to the forefronts of my heart countless other things-big, small, old, new, neat, messy-that I needed to give up too. Easy? No. Necessary? Yes.

"Of all else I'm letting go."

See, I can't say those words and mean them, yet still hold on to anything. That's just not how it works. My desire is to live in a constant state of surrender, in which I continually and completely relinquish control as the need arises. (I know, I dream big. It's okay though; my God can handle it.) I don't want to live a half-hearted faith that only trusts God when it's convenient or easy or crystal-clear. I don't want to trust in the things that I think I'm supposed to trust in and then figure out the rest on my own; no, I want to trust in everything. I want to let it all go. Give it all up. Get rid of it.... ALL.

So I did. And I have some more. And I know I will again. Because it's a constant process for me. I'm so grateful that He's patient enough to walk alongside and lead me. I definitely can't do this on my own.

What about you--have you given up "all else"? What's still festering in your heart? What's holding you back?