Perhaps my favorite part of summer is Girls Bible Study. Don't get me wrong--I completely adore the warmth, the sunshine, weekends at the lake, CAMP with the students, summer missions, and sun-kissed skin; but more than all of that, I love spending time teaching girls and listening to what they're learning as they grow in their relationship with the Lord. Call it cheesy, but it's the honest to goodness truth.
At our first Bible study of the summer, we introduced the book "Lies Young Women Believe" by Nancy DeMoss and Dannah Gresh. We talked through the concept that lies are all around us, yet seldom do we recognize them. Many times we buy and sell them without even so much as a second thought. We live in oblivious bondage. And that's not what God wants for us. He created us to be free, to be in complete harmony with Him. And each lie that we buy chips away at us, often without notice until we are missing such large pieces that we can't continue.
Ugh. It's heavy and messy, but I am so in the business of seeking Truth and shedding light on all the nasty little (and not so little) lies that fill the cracks and crevices of our hearts and lives. Needless to say, I'm passionate about sharing truth with our girls and I so love the opportunity that summer presents to share in a concentrated and consistent setting.
This week was a smaller group than we've had in the past, and it turned out to be just what it needed to be. Several senior girls showed up and ended up staying late even to finish a craft activity I'd worked into the lesson. They were so fun to listen to as they shared their hearts, laughed, and put their creativity to use creating homemade journals. Here are just a couple snapshots from the evening.

A work in progress
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