Today began with a nice visit to the doctor's office...

Obviously I was a little nervous...

The finished product, sans cast!
(Beefy leg vs. puny leg. Ick!)
Today was definitely a roller-coaster ride. Let's play a little game of good news/bad news, shall we?
-Good news: my cast came off. Yay! So excited about this.
-Bad news: I still have to use crutches for 3 weeks; no weight baring at all on my right foot for the first 2, then gradually working my way up to walking.
-Good news: I didn't get recasted. Yay again! (After first look at today's x-rays, she wanted to recast me ASAP, but after talking through everything, we opted to wait and see based on my pain level. This is much more practical in terms of regaining strength and such, but makes me a little nervous for long term healing purposes. We'll see...)
-Bad news: If my pain persists, within the next 2 weeks, I get recasted. In the meantime, I'm buying new shoes to wear that better support my crazy feet (once I'm able to walk again).
-Good news: I found some shoes tonight that are "healthy" and not entirely disgusting to the fashionable eye.
-Bad news: Ca-ching...!!!
-Good news: I will be able to walk again.
-Bad news: High heels are basically out of the question for the rest of my life. Hello, orthopedics!
So there's my egocentric processings of the day. Onto bigger things. The tornado devastation in Joplin is weighing so heavily on my heart. I have no idea how a person copes with that. My prayers go out for them. I can't imagine what they're experiencing in the aftermath of everything.
It seems like when it rains, it honestly does pour. So many people I know are hurting right now. Some from family illness, some from an untimely and unexpected death, some from emotional scars caused by family members. This morning I was reminded of a verse that I first discovered in college when I was going through a pretty dark time:
"I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living." Psalm 27:13
Such a good reminder. God is still good. And He is still working all things together for good. It's our call to stay faithful and persevere, even in the midst of tragedy.
I'm praying for you, friends! Don't lose heart.
I like your shoe. VERY stylish. lol.