For the second year in a row, we had the privilege of hosting Southwest Center for Independent Living's Evening of Enchantment. We spent the last few months recruiting and coordinating with our students to plan a prom for students with special needs. It's definitely one of the big highlights of our year as a student ministry. Our students serve so well and I think they end up being blessed by SCIL's students. Isn't it funny how God often ends up blessing those who serve others? Hmm.
These are a few shots of set-up that took place on Thursday night.
Halea pays close attention to details with the tulle.

Hard at work to make the archway happen

Quick break for a sucker punch...haha
Friday night was nothing short of magical. Limo rides, professional photos, catered dining, and a legit DJ and dance crew made the evening complete. Below are a few highlights. Due to an uncooperative phone camera and my inability to carry anything else and crutches, I was able to snap only a few keepers. I'm kicking myself for not catching one of all the finished decor. Thank goodness for the professional photographers! Theirs will turn out better anyway. Ok, on to the snapshots!
Robin & her new friend
The beginnings of a legit dance party
Britt & me. She was a fabulous prom escort. :)
And I would probably never hear the end of it if I didn't share this photo too...

Thank you, Daniel, for graciously wheeling me around church over the last couple of weeks. I'm sorry my Personal Assistant budget is non-existant!
Ok, allow me, if you will to share some insights I've been processing of late.
The last few weeks have not been without their struggles. I feel like my attitude and my reactions to situations have been under a microscope--both a really big thorn in my side AND a big blessing as it's most definitely another step in the refining process. (I'm so thankful that God still chooses to work in me, despite my stubbornness.) This year's prom allowed me to gain even more perspective. I was so bummed when I realized my cast wouldn't be off in time to boogie. I will selfishly and honestly admit that. What I didn't anticipate was the way God would open my eyes during these past few weeks. Experiencing life in general with even a temporary handicap has been nothing short of challenging. Notice I didn't say anything near impossible, only challenging. My first reaction to so many things was, "I can't do that," followed by tears. Oy, I'm tattling on myself. But it's all for the glory of God. Because here's the point: I have been given so much. But having so much really isn't what it's all about. I observed plenty of people last night who don't have many of the physical, emotional, social, or mental abilities that I have. Yet, they actually have something much more than I naturally display: joy.
Rather than finding joy in even my most temporary circumstances, I tend to see the hurdle. The truth is that it doesn't really matter what the obstacle is; it does matter how I approach it. Do I approach life's challenges with grace and gratitude, or with a grudge?
Now what about you? How are you approaching challenges in your life?
I'm determining to reset my attitude as often as necessary to embrace each twist and turn as it comes--no matter how inconvenient, embarrassing, or downright hurtful it may be. That doesn't mean it will be easy, nor does it mean that I will ever master the attitude switch or perspective shift. It does mean that I'm learning and leaning that much more on the strength of the Lord and allowing myself room to grow in the process.
And, I'm vowing to make a concerted effort to intentionally seek more joy in my life. Something about the joy I witnessed last night was just contagious. And I don't want to miss out!
What a wonderful post!!