Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 55

My sister is so hard-core.
We rocked it out at her going away party tonight. Rock Band is the only way to go.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Day 54

Basically, I dominated these stairs this weekend.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 51

We're on the road heading up to the Neb. I'm loving this scenery!

How great is our God...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 50: skinny jeans to big girl pants

Today I wore skinny jeans for the first time in a month. It felt like home. :) However, I only wore them half the day....

After talking with my doctor's nurse this morning, I decided it would be best to go ahead and get recasted. Casting gives me the best chance of healing fully and I really don't want to do anything to jeopardize that for the long run. So, as much as I don't love being in a cast, I put on my big girl pants (Literally--I found the only pair of bootcut jeans I own stuffed in the bottom of my jean drawer the other day) and drove myself to the podiatrist's office. Hopefully, 3 more weeks of fiberglass protection will allow the healing that needs to happen to happen. I'm trusting that's the case.

Meanwhile, I'm enjoying a fashionable new blue hue.

How was your Wednesday? Any surprises or "big girl" moments for you?

TGIalmostF! Have a splendid Thursday.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 49: a new perspective

I found a work-out I can do that's actually pretty solid cardio: the wii!

Seriously, boxing on the wii is so fun and after about 20 minutes, I was winded and sweating. It felt so good! I so miss hard workouts. But, I'm learning some new tricks.

And...I learned how to drive with my left foot tonight. It causes me great anxiety (it feels so weird to me!), and it may take me a couple more practice sessions, but without a cast, I can swing my right leg far enough out of the way to drive with my left foot. Finally, I'm starting to make some adjustments. Enough of this cast getting me down. It's time to rise above, against.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 48

Today began with a nice visit to the doctor's office...
Obviously I was a little nervous...
...and for good reason!
The finished product, sans cast!
(Beefy leg vs. puny leg. Ick!)

Today was definitely a roller-coaster ride. Let's play a little game of good news/bad news, shall we?
-Good news: my cast came off. Yay! So excited about this.
-Bad news: I still have to use crutches for 3 weeks; no weight baring at all on my right foot for the first 2, then gradually working my way up to walking.
-Good news: I didn't get recasted. Yay again! (After first look at today's x-rays, she wanted to recast me ASAP, but after talking through everything, we opted to wait and see based on my pain level. This is much more practical in terms of regaining strength and such, but makes me a little nervous for long term healing purposes. We'll see...)
-Bad news: If my pain persists, within the next 2 weeks, I get recasted. In the meantime, I'm buying new shoes to wear that better support my crazy feet (once I'm able to walk again).
-Good news: I found some shoes tonight that are "healthy" and not entirely disgusting to the fashionable eye.
-Bad news: Ca-ching...!!!
-Good news: I will be able to walk again.
-Bad news: High heels are basically out of the question for the rest of my life. Hello, orthopedics!

So there's my egocentric processings of the day. Onto bigger things. The tornado devastation in Joplin is weighing so heavily on my heart. I have no idea how a person copes with that. My prayers go out for them. I can't imagine what they're experiencing in the aftermath of everything.

It seems like when it rains, it honestly does pour. So many people I know are hurting right now. Some from family illness, some from an untimely and unexpected death, some from emotional scars caused by family members. This morning I was reminded of a verse that I first discovered in college when I was going through a pretty dark time:

"I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living." Psalm 27:13

Such a good reminder. God is still good. And He is still working all things together for good. It's our call to stay faithful and persevere, even in the midst of tragedy.

I'm praying for you, friends! Don't lose heart.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day 47: rooftops

I cannot get the song "Rooftops" out of my head. It's officially stuck. And I so don't mind. If you're not familiar, or if you just want to listen, check it out here. Every time we sing "Rooftops," I always get the coolest mental picture. It's like my soul relinquishes from the uttermost parts and catapults from the rafters to shout the glory of God. One of these days every knee will bow and every tongue will confess--perhaps in shouts made from the steepest of rooftops--that Jesus IS Lord!

Can you picture whole cities of people proclaiming Christ from the peeks of manmade structures? Mmm.

Ulm, Germany
Taken from halfway up the Ulmer Münster Cathedral bell tower
Rothenburg, Germany
Nuremberg, Germany

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 46: Saturday.

It's Saturday. Enough said.

Today has been filled with writing and reading for summer curriculum, as well as resting. Needless to say, it's nearly 5:30pm and I have not yet showered. Personally, I think showering on Saturdays might be slightly overrated... ;)

For lunch today I made some fabulous banana oatmeal pancakes. I found a recipe online that I used merely as a template. It wasn't quite as healthy as I wanted so I made some slight tweaks. Nevertheless, they turned out perfectly--fluffy, yummy, and only ringing it at about 200 cals for a stack of 2 drizzled with some local honey. Mmm. I may just have leftovers for dinner...

Day 45: Prom with a side of Perspective

For the second year in a row, we had the privilege of hosting Southwest Center for Independent Living's Evening of Enchantment. We spent the last few months recruiting and coordinating with our students to plan a prom for students with special needs. It's definitely one of the big highlights of our year as a student ministry. Our students serve so well and I think they end up being blessed by SCIL's students. Isn't it funny how God often ends up blessing those who serve others? Hmm.

These are a few shots of set-up that took place on Thursday night.

Halea pays close attention to details with the tulle.
The fabric sprouted feet?! If only...
Hard at work to make the archway happen
Quick break for a sucker punch...haha

Friday night was nothing short of magical. Limo rides, professional photos, catered dining, and a legit DJ and dance crew made the evening complete. Below are a few highlights. Due to an uncooperative phone camera and my inability to carry anything else and crutches, I was able to snap only a few keepers. I'm kicking myself for not catching one of all the finished decor. Thank goodness for the professional photographers! Theirs will turn out better anyway. Ok, on to the snapshots!
Robin & her new friend
The beginnings of a legit dance party
The FC transformed into a dance hall
Photo courtesy of my boss :)
Britt & me. She was a fabulous prom escort. :)

And I would probably never hear the end of it if I didn't share this photo too...
Thank you, Daniel, for graciously wheeling me around church over the last couple of weeks. I'm sorry my Personal Assistant budget is non-existant!

Ok, allow me, if you will to share some insights I've been processing of late.

The last few weeks have not been without their struggles. I feel like my attitude and my reactions to situations have been under a microscope--both a really big thorn in my side AND a big blessing as it's most definitely another step in the refining process. (I'm so thankful that God still chooses to work in me, despite my stubbornness.) This year's prom allowed me to gain even more perspective. I was so bummed when I realized my cast wouldn't be off in time to boogie. I will selfishly and honestly admit that. What I didn't anticipate was the way God would open my eyes during these past few weeks. Experiencing life in general with even a temporary handicap has been nothing short of challenging. Notice I didn't say anything near impossible, only challenging. My first reaction to so many things was, "I can't do that," followed by tears. Oy, I'm tattling on myself. But it's all for the glory of God. Because here's the point: I have been given so much. But having so much really isn't what it's all about. I observed plenty of people last night who don't have many of the physical, emotional, social, or mental abilities that I have. Yet, they actually have something much more than I naturally display: joy.

Rather than finding joy in even my most temporary circumstances, I tend to see the hurdle. The truth is that it doesn't really matter what the obstacle is; it does matter how I approach it. Do I approach life's challenges with grace and gratitude, or with a grudge?

Now what about you? How are you approaching challenges in your life?

I'm determining to reset my attitude as often as necessary to embrace each twist and turn as it comes--no matter how inconvenient, embarrassing, or downright hurtful it may be. That doesn't mean it will be easy, nor does it mean that I will ever master the attitude switch or perspective shift. It does mean that I'm learning and leaning that much more on the strength of the Lord and allowing myself room to grow in the process.

And, I'm vowing to make a concerted effort to intentionally seek more joy in my life. Something about the joy I witnessed last night was just contagious. And I don't want to miss out!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 43: And this is what we call...

...a redneck cook-out. I mean, what says summer better than hotdogs on a grill? (Who cares if the other side is a griddle!) And you can't forget the Cheetos. Yum. :)
Tonight we cooked dogs for the students as the end of the school year bash. It's been a long year and our students are definitely fighters. We're looking forward to a great summer with them!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 42: a new appreciation

Never did I really see myself utilizing this sort of thing. But tonight, at Kickapoo's graduation, I so appreciated it.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 41

Monday night Bible study. It was a tired one tonight. I'm not sure what was up but we were struggling to get through Jesus in the desert and Nicodemus' new birth. It was rough--not the material so much as the attention span/concentration abilities. It's definitely a Monday. But in the midst of our fight for awareness, we had some super positive and productive conversation. Bottom line: discipleship works. And it's such a blessing to be a part of. My time with these girls is coming to a close way too soon. They will always hold a special place in my heart. I'm so looking forward to digging into some fresh soil this fall though, Lord willing. Silly, sleepy, beautiful girls.

(We missed you tonight, Katie!)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 40: Jamaica, Jamaica, Jamaica!

Basically, I feel like much of my weekend was cosumed with all things Jamaica...and I'm most definitely NOT complaining. I love this team so much and I love how much we're bonding. Tonight, we had our third team workout together, with the ever fabulous April Krenn. (A big blogger shout-out to the K Krew! And a big "Thank you!" to April for taking time to lead our team workout!) Our team did an outstanding job running and working out. I think I'm most proud of their team work though. Seriously, I choked back tears when they all crossed the 3-mile finish line in a pack. It was precious and inspiring!

This is just a fun pic that April took for us after our workout. Yes, we are gross and sweaty and stinky. Yes, we are laying entirely too close for the amount of perspiration that occurred and the amount of stank hanging in the air. Yes, we do love each other that much. :) Our team motto: "Jesus in Jamaicans!"

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 39: Jamaica Team Training

Our Jamaica Missions Team did some extensive team training out at a ropes challenge course. We had a blast and definitely gained some valuable insights. Here are a few highlights from the day.

Our team...minus a few

Ellie dominating the wall!

"What am I about to do?!" Priceless.

Teamwork is a must
Lean on me, when you're not strong...

There are several other great pics to share, but time is out for me tonight! I've stolen a few minutes to myself between team training, back-to-back birthday parties, and party preparations. Whew, it's a crazy weekend! Time to go celebrate another year of life for my Pops!

Happy 56th birthday, Dad! And happy 1st birthday, Liam! :)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 38

Let me make something clear: this is NOT a food blog. Nor am I, in any way, a cook. I do, however, enjoy expanding my culinary comfort zone and creating new goods to munch (within reason--nothing too crazy for this girl). Lately, I have been feeling increasingly brave. My tastebuds have therefore experienced the results of said bravery, and been much obliged. With such great flavors and easy methods, I am obligated to share, so that even the least Betty Crocker can too feel empowered to expand her (or his, I suppose) food repetoire.

This morning, I ate oatmeal. It was delish.

Ingredients: 1/2 dried whole grain oats, 1/2 TBS honey, 1/4 cup vanilla Activia (or other flavor/brand), 2 sliced strawberries.

Earlier this week, I made salmon (a favorite for sure), but this time in a honey-mustard glaze. Honestly, best salmon of my life thus far. And I don't joke about salmon. For the side: edamame. So easy to prepare and fun to eat!

For the salmon recipe, check out the blog Pretty/Hungry, created by my high school friend, Carissa.

(I know my pic is not nearly as pretty as hers; don't judge.)

I cooked to salmon steaks and took one to lunch the next day. It was yum-o on top of a bed on fresh spinach, dried cherries, and almond slivers.

Don't you like my elegant serving ware? Haha.

Any other good salmon recipes or oatmeal combinations to share? I'm always open to new ideas.

Day 37: Please tell me I'm not the only one...

...who is totally thrilled with the new renovations at Price Cutter!

Seriously, what a sight for sore eyes.

So the Price Cutter near my house now has a brand new, expanded organic section, with self-serve grains, oats, granolas, etc. Seriously, I nearly jumped up and down with joy (a one-legged jump, mind you, but a jump, nonetheless). Before you get the wrong impression, let me inform you: I in no way consume only organic foods. I'd be a complete poser if I let you think that were the case. However, I do love to eat clean as much as possible (aka as much as time and money allows). And the close proximity to my living and working quarters leaves less excuses for me not to eat healthy. I do intend to use these resources. Frequently.

OH! I can't believe I almost forgot! Near this section stood a sign that read, "Coming soon: cooking classes." Again, another reason to do the one-legged hop dance. I've researched several different times the existence/availability of cooking classes around here, and have had zero luck. Needless to say, I do intend to attend at some point, because, as anyone who knows me well knows, cooking is not really my strong suit. Yet... ;)

What about you: do you rock the kitchen? What's your best dish? And where do you stand with all things organic?

Day 36

We matched...inside out. :) Love this girl!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 35: keep out

Today, we rearranged our office at work. (Really, the boys rearranged things; I just watched, and redesigned ministry blogs.)

My office-mate, James, made very clear his feelings about his new space. Read carefully his marker-board sign. It's oh-so-official.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 34: I heart post-its.

The 10th grade girls decorated my desk yesterday with post-its filled with encouraging words. So sweet! I kept them up today...just organized in a slightly different fashion. ;)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day 33

In case I haven't said it publicly to blogger world yet, let it be known today: I absolutely love my job. More than my job itself, I adore the students I work with. Really, I do. Don't get me wrong, they have moments of getting under my skin and driving me absolutely bonkers, but I wouldn't do what I do without having a burning desire to serve them. I love listening to their stories, seeing them grow, watching them discover and analyze the world for themselves, and really, just sharing life with them, life that includes so many fun twists, turns, and spectacular moments.

Early, early, early this morning, I received surprise post-prom visit from a few. I loved sharing in their post-dance buzz (maybe there's a smidge of vicarious living going on...but mostly just excitement for them). Of course I made them stay long enough to snap a few pics. Enjoy!

The lovely ladies

Their fabulous hairs--LOVE the accessories!
(Note to self: learn how to make these. Stat.)

The strapping gents, sporting the ultimate masculine hugh

The surprise prom crew. Aren't they dolls? :)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day 32

Ok, friends, it's time for me to get brutally honest: today was a really tough day for me. I'm not really sure why today of all days. Every time I turned around today I was fighting a funk. Do you ever have days like that? It was a constant battle to be positive and not let my frustration out on those closest to me. For the record, I failed miserably several times today. I hate it when that happens, and I'm sure those closest to me do too. Ugh. Since I'm being so honest, I might as well go ahead and admit that yesterday was tough too. I think being out of my workday routine threw me a little bit...and the reality of my cast/crutches situation finally came to a head and I actually had time and space to expel some of the pressure I didn't realize I'd been holding.

This morning during my quiet time I discovered a major contributor to my negative disposition: I've allowed a few chinks in my armor to develop. Whenever my routine gets thrown off (Exhibit A: this week!), the first thing to go time-wise is my time in the Word. I tend to see it as the most flexible and when I'm running late, it's so easy to cut it short. Not only have I cut it short this week, I've also bulled up a bit and not been completely honest with the Lord. That definitely allows room for the enemy to take up residence, albeit temporary, and just plain ticks me off! He makes himself way too comfortable among my thoughts, which translates into my attitude, words, and actions. Seriously, what a powerful cycle! It's time to change directions though, and get this ship back on course.

For me, the first step is being painfully honest with the Lord (and with you, as it so happens). And I just need to say I do not like my current situation. I'm struggling with letting go of my pride and allowing others to help me; not letting my worth and identity to rush down the pipes alongside my independence; keeping my focus on the Lord and not on my temporary circumstances; and finally, my self-image--do you know what changing an active girl's workout routine does? Ha, but seriously. It's really tough for me.

So why am I telling you all this? No, I don't want your pity, and no I'm not trying to whine (although I do almost have the art perfected). Well, first of all, I do want to be honest and confront the truth, rather than allow lies/hidden frustrations to consume me. There's so much freedom in being honest! Secondly, and selfishly, I'm humbly asking for your prayers--not prayers for an easy journey, but prayers that God would be glorified most in my inability; that I would be humble enough to yield to Him and His purposes in this brief season. Lastly, and most importantly, I want you to know that if you're struggling, whether it be physical, emotional, spiritual, mental, or all of the above, you are NOT alone. Don't hide in the darkness of your pain or struggles; step into the light of truth and be free from the enemy's grip.

Like I said, today was a tough day. But even as I think back over my struggles, I'm reminded of all that I have currently, and all that I have to look forward to and be thankful for. My situation is completely temporary and I am still able to function semi-normally in so many areas. In the midst of my frustration, I'm completely overwhelmed with gratitude. I know that no matter what I say, do, or how I react, God is still working. And that's so comforting.

Enough with the frustration and all that....some really great things did happen today. My dear friend Amber graduates from SBU in two weeks, and today was her graduation party up in Camdenton. The sweet girls pictured below were so gracious to drive down from BoMo to pick me up and take me with them to the party. I think we had a pretty good time. Take a gander and enjoy. :)

So my sunglasses broke, while I was holding them. Yep, just fell apart.
So strange. Thus, the lop-sided shades.

Ok, lovelies, here's to brighter days and bolder truths in our futures! Be free and be healed.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Day 31: A shout-out of sorts

Seriously, is anything better than peanut butter for a little sweet, a little salty, and a lotta protein?! I know it's got some fat, but don't we all? Today I'm digging some crunchy peanut butter hardcore.

Snack of the day: A good ol' Granny Smith and some Jif. Yum-o.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Day 30: Una Celebracion

Buenas noches! Es el cinco de mayo!

Today's a milestone in my book! Yes, it's Cinco de Mayo, which is definitely cause to celebrate (Ha!), but that's not the milestone I'm referring to right now. (We'll get to el Cinco.) Today is Day 30 of my 365 Days in Photos project. That's right; I've officially made it a month! Woooo!

Today's pic, in honor of Cinco de Mayo:
Photo courtesy of
Can you hear the music? Ahh, I love it!!

Since it is a day of festivities, let's address that for a minute, shall we? Days like today I wish that I was educating the youth of America on culture and history. Instead, I will take the liberty of educating all of you in blogger land. Aren't you delighted? Cinco de Mayo is commonly miscelebrated as the Mexican Independence Day. That, however, is false. Rather, Cinco de Mayo marks the celebration of a major victory of the Mexican army against the French army, combined with Mexican traitors, whose army proved double the size of the Latinos. (Mexico actually declared its independence from Spain on September 15/16, 1810.) The Battle of Puebla in 1862, which we celebrate as el Cinco de Mayo, marks a significant step for Mexico and the United States, as the French had landed in Mexico with the intentions of staying in the Americas for good. An undefeated army for 50 years, the French sustained death and injuries in unexpected quantities that proved impossible to overcome, especially when matched against the Mexicans' perseverance in protecting their newfound freedom. Victory continues to live on in the celebrations of Mexicans and Americans each Cinco de Mayo.

There you have it. A little history and culture for your week. Be enlightened, friends. And remember not to take our freedom for granted; many have fought for you!

We have so much to be thankful for, so much to celebrate! What are you celebrating today?

Today, I'm celebrating the fact that I have a strong, able body. More on this attitude of gratitude later...Enough rambles for tonight!

Be blessed, friends!