Well, it's Thursday. Honestly, I wasn't sure it would ever get here. Praise the Lord, tomorrow is Friday! What a week it's been.
Truth: I've been struggling a lot lately, with different things, but most recently, with my current foot situation. Since my doctor's appointment last Wednesday, my has been bitter and my attitude has reflected it immensely. I know my injury is only temporary and not long-term life-altering (I'm claiming that!), but it's definitely turned my world upside down.
Here's the situation (in case you wanted the details)...
So I've been having some pretty major foot pain for the last month or so. I kept running on it, just thinking I need to push through and not let the enemy get me down. Typically, I experience moderate amounts of foot pain during high-impact activities anyway, so I didn't think too much of it. However, over the course of a few weeks, the pain increased the more my physical activity increased, until, finally, I began experiencing intense pain even at rest. With some rather relentless coaching from my parents, I finally made an appointment with my doctor. To make a long story shorter, I'll summarize: exam, concerned doctor, x-ray, inconclusive x-ray results, appointment with a specialist, majorly large walking boot, no physical activity, and no driving until the boot is gone. All that to say...
God's been working on me a lot in the last week. I would say He's had His hands full, but that would be completely undermining His power and authority. I wish I could say I've handled my little inconveniences with grace and faith, but that's not been the case up to this point. My heart's been hard and my attitude, pretty crummy. The conversations I've had with the Lord were pretty short and rather volatile. In short, I haven't been shy in expressing my frustration.
But tonight, something changed. We hosted a church-wide prayer gathering tonight and it messed me up. Serious amounts of necessary cleansing occurred, completely thanks to only the Holy Spirit. I don't understand why my foot is injured, why God allowed it to happen right now, in the midst of everything else going on, nor do I understand even exactly what's wrong with my foot. But I do KNOW this: His grace is sufficient for me. In my weakness, He is strong. Therefore, as Paul says, I will boast all the more in my infirmities, for it is then that He is glorified in me.
Oh how I wish words or pictures could describe what God did tonight in my heart and in the hearts of those at the prayer gathering. But neither words nor pictures could come close to doing His work justice.
I know this is a rambly post; my apologies. My heart is just so full and my spirit so free that I needed some way to express it.
I guess, to wrap it up, God is still on His throne. And He is bigger... Fill in the blank to finish the comparison however you like. He is bigger than ANYthing else. I'm trusting Him in that.
What do you need to trust God in now? What are you considering bigger than God?
My pic for today...

I may not be able to lead our team physically right now, but He can. Praise the Lord!
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