Is this not the cutest bridal shower decor? Loved it!
Today was....quite a day. Church [small group prep, band practice, small groups, 10:31 service, clean up]. Home for an hour [lunch, ice the foot, rest the brain]. Wedding Shower. Church [Jamaica prep, band practice, Jamaica running, Jamaica workout]. Home.
Seriously, Sunday is my favorite day of the week...but today, I am slightly more than tired. Truthfully, I think I overdid it in the group workout tonight. I was doing lunges on one leg (since my other one is otherwise detained...I'll explain shortly), trying to be as much of the team as I could, until my hamstrings froze so tight my body may as well have been Antarctica. Needless to say, I dropped. And I'm pretty sure everyone noticed. No. Shame.
I think the Lord really has something to teach me in this whole foot situation. I'm finally working through my "fit" and allowing Him to work on my heart in His way.
Like I said, I'll explain about the foot, but not tonight. Tonight, tired doesn't even begin to touch it. It's 9:22 and I am officially done for today. Hopefully my head hits the pillow prior to my eyelids closing...
Did you have a restful weekend? May you greet your Monday morning with a smile!
I know I'm a dreamer, but I'm praying this for myself. :)
You're such a good writer! Are you okay? Sorry about the fall! Hope you all had a good workout!