Monday, April 25, 2011


Seriously, in the last week, I've had to enforce more attitude adjustments on myself than perhaps any other time in my life. This whole boot thing has really thrown a wrench in MY plans. Notice the emphasis on MY. Ha. So often I get consumed with the "It's all about me" mentality. Ugh, it's so aggravating to me how easily I get tripped up sometimes (pun fully intended). I've decided once and for all, to have a positive attitude about this whole foot injury situation. I know it's not about me or about my plans. I know that God has a greater plan and that He is in control. It's not cliche; it's truth.

So as an ultimate attitude adjustment on the matter, I've opted to make a list of the reasons I'm grateful for my boot and this season, the "Boot Benefits," if you will. Here's my Top 10 so far...

1. Individuality. It's quite the fashion trend, really. No one else has got it!

2. Patience. I move slower. Enough said.

3. Perseverance. I'm ready to be better, but I'm not. Thus, I keep pressing on.

4. Dependence. So I'm pretty independent and not always (hardly EVER, in fact) good at asking for help. Right now, I'm rediscovering what dependence and reliance on others actually means. And I'm learning to trust people again in ways that I really haven't for quite some time. The body of Christ really is a neat invention.

5. Self-defense. It's a nasty ol' thing that I'd hate to cross paths with.

6. Rest. I can't do everything I'm used to doing, so I'm forced to pursue more rest.

7. Humor. Seriously, the boot's good for some laughs. I've heard some pretty good nicknames and had some pretty solid stories offered to me.

8. Gratitude. Things could be so much worse. God is so good.

9. Conversation. Much like a pregnant belly attracts unwanted hands, my boot has attracted many an unwanted question which in turn has lead to several solid conversations with people I wouldn't normally encounter.

10. Humility. So the whole "I-can-do-it-all-by-myself-and-no,-I-don't-need-you-to-even-offer-to-help" attitude of pride doesn't fit the boot. Nope, not at all.

So there's my list so far. Whatcha think? Got any others to add to my list? Bring 'em on! :)

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