So, it's Thursday...I think. My days have been so mixed up this week! Chalk that up to the holidays and lack of structure probably. Anyway, regardless of the day, I'm at home, sick. Boo. Rather than fret though, I'm opting to soak up the much-needed rest...and perhaps catch up on blogging a bit too. I just wish I didn't feel ick.
All in all, 2010 was a great year, definitely one worth remembering. I've been sifting through pics on my computer and enjoying some fun memories, so I thought I'd share just a few highlights...

Wacky-Tacky Runway: my first "big" girls' event

"An Evening of Enchantment": Prom for students with special needs
hosted by rbcstudents

Summer Missions: Memphis
My first mission trip to lead!

The fam, post zip-line in Cancun...such a fun trip!

Matching sister henna tattoos in Cancun
(You should've seen Dad's face...)

My dear friend, Brooke, got married.
What a stunning bride!

Halloween 2010: Indiana Jones, Dolly Parton, & Pink
Was there ever a better trio? Seriously, I think not!

I flew to the ATL to visit my newly married friends!

My 25th: A day full of surprises from rbcstudents!
What can I say...they're the best! :)
I will definitely cherish these memories and many more from 2010. As much as I am grateful all that the last 12 months offered, I can honestly say I will not miss them one bit. I am so thankful it's a new year! It's like opening a brand new journal, with empty pages ready to be filled with fresh ideas.
To 2010 I bid adeiu, while to 2011 I say...
You had such a great 2010 Jessie! One blessed girl! I am SO thankful to be doing life with you. The only thing missing on here is a picture of you and me. Darn! Proud of you.