Clearly I've been slacking in the blog department. I have no excuse other than the fact that I'm out of the habit and that my life has been a complete whirlwind since I got back from Jamaica. I know I'm behind in my 365 pictures, and honestly, I'm going to just have to give myself permission to be behind.
Tuesday I took some time for myself. Next week is CAMP and I can't afford to not be on top of my game, if I can help it at all. So, naturally, I went for a drive. I'm not sure what it is about driving that I find so freeing, but it completely tranquilizes me, usually in a relatively short period of time. It'd been ages since I'd gone for a cruise until this week. Why do I do that to myself? I've got to do better at giving myself space. Tuesday was a perfectly good reminder of that. I drove out to my spot. Yes, it's secret. Much to my dismay, my normal spot to park and find peace was completely blocked off. So, I kept driving. Normally, I would have gone just a little farther before turning around. But I didn't. I followed every twist and curve in the back country roads until I just didn't feel like driving anymore.
And it was glorious. And meaningful. And so much more than just a drive.
Lately, I feel like the Lord has been teaching me a lot about trust. (Yes, still.) On a small scale, driving-with no map, no directions, and no knowledge of which roads go where-symbolizes that trust for me. For once I actually trusted. I let go and just went with it. And it was so freeing. If that's a taste of what true trust looks like and produces, then I can't wait to see where this journey of learning trust will take me.
That must be what He wants for us: freedom in Him. I struggle so much with getting bogged down in distractions, obligations, stressors, etc, that prohibit true freedom and discourage my trust in the Lord. In Jamaica, I experienced more freedom than I've felt in a long time, due in part to the fact that I was completely detached from the normal things that hold me down, but also due to the fact that the entire trip and preparation for the trip required tremendous trust for me. (I'll elaborate more in my next Jamaica post, which is currently a work in progress. Processing takes some time!) Anyway, I feel like I'm tasting this for the first time, and my thirst is not yet quenched. That means I've still got work to do.
I suppose I should wrap up my ramblings for the evening.
No matter where you are, I hope you're trusting. And free.
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