10. Tomorrow. It's our fall kick-off for small groups, which means all of our recent changes are in full effect. I'm facilitating all the junior high small group details at 9am, then both junior high and senior high small groups at 10:30am. I'm so ready, but so nervous. I just want everything to go well.
9. Next Sunday. So much time went into the details for tomorrow morning. Will I be able to keep up each week?
8. Grad school. Holy mac... Classes started last Monday. I got accepted on Thursday, registered for classes on Friday, and accessed my account Saturday (today). I have a paper due Sunday (tomorrow) and textbooks coming in the mail next week. Yikes. Welcome back to school.
7. Grad school. I'm super excited to be a student, to learn, to study, to grow, to write... SO excited. Oh, by the way, I'll be attending Dallas Baptist University via their online program for Master's in Christian Education: Student Ministry. Seriously, I'm so excited. Did I mention I'm excited? I love school. Weird, I know.
6. Worship. There's been a lot of it happening in my life lately. And it's been so good for me. Note to self: make it consistent. Last night I, along with some super solid friends, attended a worship gathering at High Street Baptist Church. God was evident. I so needed that.
5. My mom. She's having a (non life-threatening, but pretty invasive) surgery on Wednesday morning. Please pray for her, her doctor, and for our family over the next few weeks as she recovers. It'll be a process.
4. Rest. Life has been in a constant state of motion. Even in the midst of changes and busyness, I've sensed the Lord's hand distributing peace and rest in my life. It doesn't make sense the chaos and peace could coexist. I guess that's the mystery of the "peace that passes understanding..."
3. Shin splints. I can't get rid of them! Any ideas/suggestions/tips are more than appreciated. :)
2. You. How are you? What's going on in your life? You've been on my mind.
1. James (the book in the Bible). We're beginning a church-wide study of James tomorrow morning. This week we're studying and discussing James 1:1-12. The main idea: trials are an inevitable part of life. No matter what comes our way, we choose whether we handle the trials with a bitter attitude, or whether we embrace them as an opportunity to grow, to become better. That's been on my heart a lot this week. I'm so grateful that the Lord doesn't give us trials for no reason. His desire is for us to be complete, lacking nothing, as James says. And those trials are His way of getting us to that point, developing within us perseverance. Anyone else glad that the hurdle in your life isn't pointless?! Sheesh, He's faithful.
That's all I've got for now, bloggie friends. I gotta knock out some discussion board postings and devotion readings for grad school. Woot!
Happy Saturday evening!
good blog! Sorry about the shin splints. it's probably not an acute injury since you probably haven't done much running lately. Have you been fitted for a proper shoe and insert? You might have overpronation on your foot which can be a common problem for shin splints. with over pronation the repeated rotation forces thru the shin, knee and thigh place strain on muscles, tendons/ligaments of the lower leg. An orthotic divide can be inserted into your shoe to control the heel position and there are shoes also designed for pronation. You might think about going somewhere like Plaza Shoe Store that's good at this (ask for Cathy Belk) and get your feet measured and looked at. She told me that mine were starting to pronate a little which can cause shin splints, plantar fascists, bunions, etc...She also sells the New Balance shock inserts. You should be fitted more towards the end of the day when your feet are the most swollen and be fitted to a little larger size (especially in a workout shoe) Most feet aren't quite the same size. I would also google some calf and shin stretches. You can lay on your side and stretch the shin by pulling at the front of the ankle in toward you...and also do some calf raises (heels together but toes out and raise ten times..and toes together heels out and raise..) sorry this is so ramble...I'm not editing this..lol!!
ReplyDeleteThanks SO much for all the info, April! You are awesome! With all of my recent foot drama, I did get new shoes (doctor approved) and new custom orthodics from my PT. I'm not quite sure that it's a shoe issue, but maybe more of a gait/stride/out of shape muscles issue. :/ So, I'm cooling down the running and going back to walking for a while. I also looked up some shin/calf stretches/exercises. Hopefully those will help too! Thanks so much for the info! :)