Saturday, January 14, 2012

hair and relationships

So my friend Lindsay texted me last night, asking if I could help with some wedding hair today.  And of course I said yes.  Really, who's gonna say no at a chance to play beauty salon?!   Seriously, it was so much fun!  The girls were great to work with and the bride was so laid back.  All beauties.

As I was pinning one girl's hair, we started talking about the correlation between hair and relationships.  First it was accidental.  Here's how our conversation transpired (more or less):

Me:  "So what are we thinking style-wise?"

Emily:  "I don't really care.  Just something laid back and loose."

Me:  "Ok, I'm thinking...[whilst pinning]I want you to come over here...There we go." 

Emily:  "What?  Oh I thought you were saying that was the hairstyle we were going for."

And so we began talking about various styles of hair and their messages.

Ahem..without further a-'do, our hairstyle communication
The "I want you to come over here" style.
      Loosely pinned up with delicate and unpretentious wisps pulled down around the face.

The "Please stay" style.
      Similar to the "I want you to come over here" style, only including some sort of twirling of the hair around
      the fingers.

The "I want you to stay there" style.
      Hair is tightly pulled back, either all up, or half-up, causing tension through the brow and temple, creating
      a tense, unwelcoming look.

The "I really hate what you're doing right now" style.
      Much like the "I want you to stay there" style, but somewhere along the way, a hair flip is completed,
      perhaps in conjunction with an eye roll.

The "I am completely oblivious to anyone around me...or at least I want you to think that" style.
      Hair is down and tousled or up in a messy-ish bun.   Totally unassuming appearing.

And there ya have it.  Communication through hairstyles.  Now that I know it's so easy, I'm going to begin communicating this way.  Be aware.  Also, I'm sure there are many, many more styles that could clearly and accurately convey specific messages; however, my creativity is exhausted at this point.

And so I'll close with some pics from my hairstyling escapade today.  Enjoy.

The lovely bridesmaids
Their hairs
Lindsay, me, Amber.  I'm lacking an LBD ;)


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

holiday recap

This holiday season was probably one of my favorite in recent history.  Our family established some new traditions and shared way too many laughs together along the way.  (Is that actually possible, to laugh too much?  Hmm..)  We stayed in town for Christmas Eve and Christmas day, hitting up our Christmas Eve service at church, followed by the Stone family extended family gathering out in Sparta. Christmas day was full of cooking breakfast together, opening gifts, and then heading over to our Aunt and Uncle's house for a glorious Christmas feast and lots of family game time.  Also, the weather was INCREDIBLE!  I can't remember a Christmas that we've enjoyed dinner outside on the deck.  Crazy, but so beautiful!

Two days after Christmas we headed to Nebraska to spend time with my mom's family.  Seriously, this was probably one of my favorite trips to the Neb.  My sis and I roadtripped separately from our parents, which allowed us a lot of freedom in visiting with cousins, Grandma, etc.  SO MUCH FUN.  Then after returning from the Neb, the kitchen remodel fell into full force.  Whoa.  Lots going on for sure.

Needless to say, it was a busy holiday break, but I honestly enjoyed it thoroughly, which I can't always say.  Normally breaking out of my routine isn't always at the top of my list.  Type A much?  :)  This time, however, it was pretty refreshing.

Some photos from the holidays...
Christmas Eve

Mom & Pops on Christmas

FAVE Christmas gift:  Keen boots.

Monday, January 2, 2012

coping with chaos

I can’t believe the holidays have come and gone already.  And it’s 2012?!  When did that happen?  Sheesh.

To begin the year, we decided to refinish our kitchen cabinets.  So excited for the update; however, not so excited about the current chaotic state of our kitchen and adjacent areas.

Here’s proof of the current chaos:
Our office currently holds all of our kitchen ware and pantry contents.
This afternoon I met with a wonderfully wise friend for coffee.  I so needed our time together.  We shared about our current life situations, spiritually, emotionally, job-wise…etc.  What I love so much about this friend is her complete and total honesty and acceptance.  She’s one of those that I can set a bomb off in front of and she doesn’t bat an eye, but merely shrugs her shoulders and says, “Well all right, sister,” and helps me examine the pieces.  I seem to be blessed with several friends like that; apparently the Lord knows I’m good at dropping bombs.

My latest bomb:  feeling in a rut of sorts in my relationship with the Lord.  It’s one of those times that I know I should be pursuing Him regularly, but I also know my heart isn’t completely in it.  And I don’t like that.  I don’t want to seek Him merely out of obligation or duty; I want to seek Him because I WANT to seek Him.   It so bothers me to know that my heart isn’t where it should be, isn’t where I want it to be.  Overall, it feels like chaos in my soul.  And that wears on me.

So we were discussing this current situation and the desire to jump into the cycle of spiritual growth, yet not knowing exactly where/how to begin.  It was then that my lovely friend shared some advice I found to be so wise.  She explained that when she encounters those situations of not knowing where to begin or what to do next, she goes back to the last thing the Lord told her to do, the last thing she discerned Him saying.

It didn’t take me long at all to remember the last thing I heard Him say.  It’s the same thing He’s been saying for quite awhile now:  “Wait.”


Four simple letters that drive this girl crazy.  But if that’s what He’s said, then that’s what I’ll do.  Despite the internal chaos I feel and despite the fact that I often have no idea what waiting looks like, what I’m waiting for, or how long I’m to wait, I will wait.  Period.  Again, my friend interjected some valuable advice.  In the midst of this chaos, perhaps the Lord is merely asking me to trust Him.  It seems easy to trust when things are clearly outlined, when answers are easy to come by; but in the obscure, in the unknown, in the undetermined, that’s when trusting is difficult.  But perhaps that’s when it counts the most.

And so I’ll wait…until I’m given different instructions.  And I’ll make the most of this chaos in the meantime.