Monday, November 14, 2011

music and the body of Christ

I love music.  Like I really, really, really love music.  Most types of music I maintain appreciation for.  Several specifics tend to resonate more profoundly with my soul though, one of those being choral music. This weekend I went to the South-Central District Honor Choir concert.  It was such a treat.  I don't really know how to describe it, honestly.  So many memories of musical performance days came rushing back to me in an instant, even as I just walked (briskly, mind you) across the lawn leading to Evangel's auditorium.  I went alone and sat alone (until I happened to turn and see some fellow church members looking for a place to sit) and I completely enjoyed it.  Actually, I think I needed to be alone and process some things on my own as I listened and took in all the sounds and textures.  I may or may not have shed a few tears in the processing process.

I know I sound like a total music nerd, but I don't really care.  Something about the tones, the swells, the rhythms, the harmonies, the fullness; all of it transports me out of this world and into a place of total peace and contentment.

Since the concert on Saturday, I've spent a lot of time considering why choral music gets to me the way it does.  And I think I'm on to something.

There's something about a collective of voices joining together to create one sound, one message.  It reminds me of the way the body of Christ is meant to work.  We are meant to operate in one accord, with one message and one mission in mind.  Yet, even in that mission, we each have an individual and unique part, and the body is not the same without each and every part.  There are ebbs and flows, high points and low points, even choppy, difficult to follow rhythms in life.  But the body always sticks together, always continues working toward the end result, always continues singing its respective parts.

And the parts of the body cannot accomplish separately what the entire body can.  It doesn't work like that.  We're made to be a tapestry of talents and gifts and callings and personalities, all intricately woven together.  Just like a vocal ensemble.  Good grief, I love that.  I'm almost crying (again) just thinking about it all, how beautifully everything fits together.

Bottom line:  God is so good and His beauty inspires and transcends.  He is the only reason I breathe. And that's enough of a reason for me.  


  1. choral music speaks to my soul too. we can be music nerds together : )

  2. How perfectly put. I love this, thank you for sharing, jess.
