I love to read, but usually when I have downtime, I lack the energy to read for fun. Major benefit to taking grad classes online: mucho reading. But honestly, I feel like I read constantly (except when I'm driving, talking with others face-to-face, or showering, of course).
Typing. Again, constant. Between work and school, my computers are so well loved.
Lastly, the ever so attractive redish bumps that are enjoying their flourishing vacation across my face. Honestly, I was beginning to enjoy some freedom from this beast and even exploring lighter (and occasionally a lack of) makeup. And then school started. I really think it must be subconscious because my mind does not feel overly stressed about school. Busy, but not overly stressed or taxed. Oy. I should've bought stock in skin care companies 10 years ago...
That all seems to be a little bit focused on the negative. And I'm honestly trying to have a positive attitude. So, here's some positivity: I LOVE learning. I love growing and being challenged intellectually. And I love feeling like I'm contributing to a conversation that could stimulate growth in someone else. (Yes, I'm most definitely a teacher.) The class that I'm currently taking is called "Ministry with Students." It's been really interesting to discover philosophies, theologies, and such of those who have much experience in the world of student ministry. Some of it seems like things I could have written with my measly 2.5 years of experience in vocational ministry; however, the perspectives of others bring a lot to the table. And their insights are invaluable. In no way do I come close to having this whole world of ministry figured out. Sheesh, it's endless. But I do know that the bottom line is that Jesus is Lord and He loves students. And somehow, somewhere along the line, He called me to love students too.
While all the studying I've been doing is great, nothing even comes close to the heart knowledge that I've gained, even just this weekend. I've really been trying to hone in on what exactly my passion and my calling is in life. Thursday evening, I was on the treadmill, doing some reading for school (further proves my point of reading constantly--I can't currently afford to expand my workout outside of the treadmill because I need that time to read!), and I suddenly realized that regardless of the capacity, I am so passionate about working with teenagers. I sincerely love being around them (even when they annoy the snot out of me). I value their perspectives and so appreciate their energy. Most of all, I care about their lives now and eternally. Maybe this all sounds super silly and obvious, but for the first time--maybe ever--I felt so entirely certain of my calling that I could not stop smiling. There was an overwhelming peace and such a fulfilling joy that I experienced on that treadmill. And I so needed that. I wanted to carry on my power walk forever! Ha.
So, there's some positivity right there...and from a post that started off on a negative foot. What's going on in your life that's positive? How did you discern your calling and your passion? Do you get excited about it?
I'm excited...and I have homework to do. So that's it for now, bloggies.
Have a great Monday!
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