Saturday, February 26, 2011

weekend to-do: out with ordinary!

Last weekend, I sat down on Friday morning, as I normally do, and compiled my weekend to-do's. What made the list? Laundry. Clean my bathroom. Dust. Sweep and mop the tile. Pay bills. Clean out closet. Choose a grad school. Sweep out the garage. Get groceries. Work out.

Mostly ordinary, boring weekend stuff. After reading over my list and feeling a few shades of overwhelmed, I decided I desperately needed to add something positive--something for ME. So I made a few additions. Do something fun. Get creative. Escape. Rest.

I am pleased to report that I did indeed manage to cross each of those additional items off my list. It felt most wonderful and fulfilling. (I also crossed off everything from the usual part of my list...with the exception of "choose a grad school." Just in case you were curious.)

Escape and rest both came without much argument or hesitation. Friday was delightfully sunny and warm, and I very easily gave into the temptation to lounge on my deck with a Jodi Picoult novel in hand. Lovely. My something fun and get creative collided on Saturday afternoon after a much needed inspiration adventure around Michael's. Here's what transpired.

These three skeins got my wheels a-turnin'...

...and this is what I eventually produced!

I'm so excited with my new spring wreath. Partially because I'm completely 150% so over winter and the thought of warm, welcoming sunshine invites me so strongly that I almost want to go put on my swimsuit and run outside right at this very instant....ALMOST. Also, I just love that I went into Michael's with a vision, but not really knowing exactly how to execute it. When I freed myself to think outside the box and get a little creative, I had such great fun. An added bonus: I already had all the yarn I needed to wrap the wreath mold, so I actually saved money too! ;)

So that was last weekend: a highly appreciated oasis that offered just the right amount of nourishment for my soul. Isn't God good like that? Mmm. He totally knew I needed that and could afford it last weekend, especially given that this weekend, week, and next weekend are all a bit overloaded with activity. Nevertheless, I'm taking measures to continue resting in Him throughout the hustle and bustle.

Ahh...speaking of hustle and's nearing time for me to meet up with a fabulous former student and then head over to Skateland for a skate party. My muscles are already dreading the taxation... :) Nonetheless, it will be blast, I'm positive!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

a little taste of lately

To say it's been crazy would be a bit of an understatement. I don't even know how or where the time goes, but it certainly moves way too quickly. And somehow I can't manage to finish my to-do list before time is up... Note to self: reconsider the items that make the list. Hmm.

Anyway, it's been a few weeks since I last blogged, and I must say, I've missed it. When things get busy (or more accurately, "busier"), my creative outlets tend to be the first thing to go. Not good for stress management, let me tell you. Thanks to a week spent on my back with a nasty virus, I've learned recently that I must do a better job of taking care of myself. I can't afford (financially or hourly) to be laid up for so long. Although, admittedly the few days snuggled up in bed proved to be a cozy escape from daily stresses. And thanks to what I oh-so-affectionately call "Snowpalooza 2011," my sick days aligned perfectly with work snow days.

My snowy, lonely dumpster...

A peaceful drive to work.

As I've realized my need for a release lately, I've opted to pursue a new creative outlet: cooking. So far it's proved to be pretty fruitful. No pun intended. ;) I've gotten a little more creative than usual and tried a few things outside of my comfort zone. The more I've tried, the greater my confidence has become. I'm sure hoping this is a permanent change (both the cooking and the increased confidence).

Hearty tomato & dumpling soup. Delish, to say the least.

Turkey, cheddar, & hummus panini with sweet potato fries

Pumpkin pancakes...a current fave for sure!

Yes, you may call me Jessica Ray. Hee hee. Also high on my list of stress relievers: working out. I'm SO thankful I finally got my treadmill fixed! I've really missed running lately with all this winter weather. This last week, I began a new workout regimen to prepare for summer missions. Consider my booty kicked...but not for long. I'm so up for the challenge.

Well, it's officially my weekend, and-no surprise-my to-do list has already grown even as I've typed this post. Erg. Time to roll up my sleeves and take care of business...and as creatively as possible!