Thursday, March 1, 2012

learning to listen

I love getting new music.  LOVE it.  But I'm not always so great at seeking out new jams.  Therefore, I thoroughly appreciate the fact that the guys I work with are nearly constantly playing new tunes.  Today my boss shared Bethel's newest album with me in preparation for a roadtrip that I ended up not endeavoring...

I had planned to take off for good ol' Nebraska this afternoon with my mom for a quick trip to visit Grandma.  And take off we did.  However, my digestive system seemed to have other plans, and thus I did not last long at all on the road.  In all honesty, I made it to the McDonald's not even 2 miles from my house, at which point I realized I had no business attempting a 6 hour car ride today.  I was feeling overly stressed about making the trek and I couldn't shake the nagging feeling that I was making the wrong choice. From the moment my mom mentioned the idea to me a couple of weeks ago, I knew I shouldn't go, but I let my desire and logic win and proceeded accordingly.  Over the last couple of weeks, I've sensed the Lord calling to me, inviting me to Himself.

And what have I done?

Nothing.  Well, actually, that's a lie.  I've done the opposite of nothing.  I've continued about scurrying here and there, working, meeting with students, running errands, painting cabinet doors, fitting in extra workouts, cooking unnecessarily...

...and NOT meeting with the Lord.

Confession:  I have a listening problem.

It took the wrath of some wicked stomach pains for me to finally listen to--not just hear--the Lord.

"Come away."

And so this afternoon, I snuggled into my bed, opened my window, and just breathed in the presence of the Lord, just listened to Him.  No TV.  No music.  No distractions.  It was exactly what I needed.

I'm learning to listen.  He knows exactly what I need, and He tells us, if we'll only listen.  And speaking of listening... That music that Nate shared with me earlier today made its way onto my iPod and into my ears and heart this evening.  I really can't even begin to express how life-changing the lyrics on this album are.  You should definitely check it out.  Also, you should listen.  Take time today to stop and allow the Lord to quiet you.  In that quiet, see what He has, what He says.  I promise you won't be disappointed.

Listen to this message, friends, and come to Him.

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