The crazy thing about love is that it really does hit you when you're not looking for it. It just smacks you in the face and changes everything. In the best way, of course.
Right about the time I thought my life was totally complete and I was more than comfortable looking out for myself and myself only, December 29, 2012 happened.
Just a month earlier, I'd agreed to go on [yet another] blind date. What could it hurt, right? On date day, I was less than enthusiastic about my prearranged outing. (We'll just blame it on the nerves.) I had totally psyched myself up for rejection. This guy was an accomplished West Point graduate, currently in the midst of his Special Forces training. Why would someone so adventurous and exciting be even remotely interested in me? I diagram sentences for fun. I wanted so badly to bail and save myself from what I knew would be imminent rejection.
But I didn't. I'd made the commitment at New Year's that 2012 would be the year of "yes" for me. Whatever door the Lord opened in front of me, I would enter. No more letting fear hold me back. I can't even begin to explain to you how glad I am that I made that commitment, and how glad I am that the Lord held me to it. I could have missed an incredible opportunity--and an even more incredible guy--just because of a silly little fear.
Anyway, the course of events that ensued once I talked myself up into hopping in my Jeep included ice skating, a super smooth wipe-out during said ice skating, dinner, driving/walking around downtown, etc. And it just so happened to be followed by a second date the next afternoon, just before he had to head back to North Carolina.
Then came the phone calls..
Followed by more phone calls.
Spring break approached and was greeted by plane tickets to North Carolina with my name on them.
Easter brought a certain boy from North Carolina and an introduction to my parents.
Then a few more phone calls...
Hopefully you get the picture: my world has been changed by a crazy little thing called love.
Trevor has been a huge blessing in my life. He's an incredible friend; more thoughtful and encouraging than I could have imagined. From the very beginning, I knew there was something different about him. He challenges me and balances me. He pursues me. He's smart, determined, funny, strong, and a man of great faith and integrity. I could continue, but either I'll cry or you'll puke, so I'll let up.
All of that said, I find myself in the midst of a pretty crazy adventure currently--one that I definitely didn't have on my agenda, but one that is surpassing my expectations entirely. As of the beginning of August, I'll be relocating to Clarksville, Tennessee, which is just outside where Trevor will be posted when he graduates in August. I'm blown away by how the Lord has already opened doors and is continuing to do so. He is so faithful, and I'm excited to experience more of His faithfulness and goodness on this new ride!
Of all the emotions I'm experiencing in light of the huge transition happening in my life, I think gratitude is the most overwhelming. If I have learned nothing else in the last six months, I have learned of God's goodness and grace, two qualities that I can neither possess nor deserve on my own. He is so good. And I am so grateful.
Also, I might just be a little bit excited about this whole thing.. :)
Stay tuned for more details!